5.6 – Peer microteaching experience

This assignment was locked Jul 17, 2018 at 11:59pm.

Welcome to our Synchronous Online Peer-Teaching experience!  Please familiarize yourself with this information in order to ensure your success with this activity. The information below is extremely important in order to ensure that the peer teaching goes smoothly so you can concentrate and teaching, learning, and giving feedback. We have made this activity available to you starting the last day of Module 4 so that you can see it and begin planning. 

July 6-7

Your Peer Group will either teach and observe each other on one of these two days.  A member of the CLASSRoad Team will also serve as an observer in each room providing assistance as needed.  

How you will participate

Earlier, you selected dates and times when you could participate. Based on your responses, we have created a micro-teaching schedule. Consult this document to confirm when you will teach and serve as students for up to four other teachers:  Micro-teaching Room Schedule (Links to an external site.).

When you are the Teacher:

  1. Ensure you have all of your teaching materials ready before the start of your session
  2. When you first enter the room, run the Audio Setup Wizard before you begin to set up the room for teaching.
  3. Since you will be screensharing, make sure you have everything you want to show already open and easy for you to access.
  4. Review the location and use of Adobe Connect tools teachers can use to promote interactivity

When you are a Student

  1. When you first enter the room, run the Audio Setup Wizard as per usual.  
  2. Next, mute your microphone.  You will only open your microphone when you are asked to speak.  Otherwise, leaving your microphone open will create a “sound tunnel,” causing horrible feedback for everyone!
  3. Review how to give the presenter feedback, vote, raise your hand and chat in Adobe Connect before the session starts.
  4. Make sure your have already copied the Google Doc for giving feedback (Links to an external site.) to your Google Drive so that you are ready to complete it after you watch each teacher’s lesson. You will be directed to “make a copy” so that you save a version that you can edit. You will need up to three copies of this document in order to provide individual feedback to the others in your Adobe Connect Room.
  5. To see the names of the Peer Group to whom you should send the feedback form, consult the following document (which also appears above for “Teaching”):  Micro-teaching Room Schedule (Links to an external site.)

Link to your Adobe Connect room

Since we will multiple rooms running in Adobe Connect each day, each group will have an assigned Adobe Connect Room. It is EXTREMELY important that you access the appropriate room according to whether you are teaching or serving as a student. This information is also located on the same document:  Micro-teaching Room Schedule (Links to an external site.)

Test Your Equipment: As always, remember to run the Audio Setup Wizard in Adobe Connect to ensure your microphone and webcam are functioning properly. Make sure you are in a space that is free of background noise. Ensure that anyone in your environment is aware that they should not disturb you during your teaching or while serving as a student.