
Course Announcements

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Final Thoughts on Taking TELL Online: Planning Effective Distance Language Instruction

Our course is officially over as of 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, July 18, 2015. We hope you can take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished over the past five weeks as it relates to applying various components of the backward design process to your lesson planning: P6 of the TELL Framework Planning domain. Adopting a growth mindset approach, we see this course is one step in your continued journey toward becoming a model world language teacher in distance language instruction!

A reminder that you all have access to and can continue to contribute to the following Tools, Tips and Resources document: http://bit.ly/CLASSRoadResources (Links to an external site.)

Certificates of Completion

For those who have completed at least 70% of all course requirements, you will receive a certificate of completion as a .pdf via email. Qualified participants will receive this in the next two weeks.

Official College Credit

The deadline to apply for college credit is August 3, 2015. Please be aware that there is a $10 additional processing fee per credit. You must complete the following form to request your service learning credit: http://bit.ly/CLASSRoadCredit (Links to an external site.)  


And finally, if you haven’t yet completed this year’s Startalk survey, please do so now! This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. For continued future funding it is critical we have 100% participation in this survey.

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2015-Online-Program-Participant-Interview (Links to an external site.)

Additional Questions

For any additional questions you may have, please contact the program directors, Mr. Mohammed Aleem (Aleem) and Mr. Munir Shaikh at: [email protected].

We wish you continued opportunities to learn with and from each other as you begin the new academic year. Thank you for joining us and enriching our learning journey in CLASSRoad’s 2015 Summer Startalk program!


The CLASSRoad Team

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