Planning a teaching a learning episode or lesson on your own is an act with which you are likely well familiar. You may not be familiar with the act of co-teaching that will be the approach we use for your Microteaching with CSUSB students. Among the support tools and resources, the following video by Professor Andrea Guillaume whom you met last week, will explore with you fundamental understandings for your work with your Peer Microteaching Group. Please watch this video to help you plan for your upcoming planning and microteaching!
To further support your success as co-teachers in your upcoming Microteaching activity with the students at CSUSB, the following resources should be reviewed as soon as possible.
Teaching in Synchronous Sessions Outline Example (Links to an external site.) – This is an example outline you might use with your co-teaching PMG members to plan the sequence of events and to designate who is responsible for various actions during your Microteaching with the CSUSB students.
Synchronous Lesson Checklist (Links to an external site.) – This checklist will help you and your PMG to keep track of what you need to prepare for your Microteaching with the CSUSB students. It also includes suggestions for how to prepare for any technical issues that may arise!
There are different perspective on what kind of approach is most effective in a co-teaching environment. Sometimes the setting dictates the choice of approach while at other times other factors like the makeup of students in the class or the subject matter determine which approach should be taken. Please review the following article of effective co-teaching strategies which you will discuss in a PMG discussion that immediately follows this section: Effective Co-teaching Strategies (Links to an external site.)by Richard Villa
You may find the following resources useful as you consider how you’ll co-teach the CSUSB lesson.
Now that you have another perspective on Co-teaching, use the Navigation tab to continue to the next section, 5.4 – PMG Discussion: Co-teaching Considerations.