This assignment was locked Jul 17, 2018 at 11:59pm.
The following video is an asynchronous language lesson for novice learners of Arabic.
Part 1 – Asynchronous Teaching Demonstration
Background information about the lesson: This lesson is designed for K-3 Students at the Novice High level of proficiency. The previous lesson included pets and culture. After viewing this lesson, students are to follow a Padlet link in the video description for a presentational writing assessment at the end. Link: (Links to an external site.) . Instructor then makes and publishes webcast commending student work.
As you watch the video below, use the attached feedback form (Links to an external site.) to note your observations on the elements below, as well as other information presented in the form. You can print out the form, write on it, take a picture of it and upload it here as your submission. Here is what you are watching for:
Note that you may need to “expand” the screen in order to see the video: look in the upper right corner of the video box below for a dark grey box with a white line with an arrow point on each end. Click on that to expand the view so you can see the whole screen.
When you have finished watching the video above, take some time to reflect on what you observed, what you didn’t observe, and what you think you might have done to enhance the lesson. Note: No puppets were harmed during the making of this video.
Part 2 – Prepare to create your own asynchronous lesson (due in Module 4)
In Module 4, you will create and share an asynchronous lesson. You should make use of the STARTALK Learning Plan Template that you have been working on to develop your learning episode (lesson). Remember that you will only focus on one teaching episode from the template, Episode 1. To see how Nicole could have used it in the development of her sample asynchronous lesson (3.8a), you have her sample Learning Plan Template here: (Links to an external site.)
If you have watched and reflected on at least two of the asynchronous language lesson samples, please continue below. If not, return to Module 3 and watch and reflect on another asynchronous language lesson sample.
For those finished with the asynchronous language lesson samples:
Modules 1-3 were designed to provide both theoretical and practical instruction to assist you as you prepare for your own teaching programs. Now, the real work begins: as mentioned above, in Module 4, you will actually develop, record and share an asynchronous lesson! In fact, you should start working on that lesson NOW, because the modules are short, and you will need to have it uploaded by June 29 so that you can all watch some of the lessons and give and receive feedback on June 30, the final day of Module 4.