0.1 – Module Overview

0.1 – Module Overview

Welcome to to the Orientation Module!

Welcome to our program, Taking TELL Online: Planning Effective Distance Language Instruction! This module will help you prepare for the work we will engage in over the next five weeks beginning on June 14. Our program starts on June 14 with a one-hour welcome web conference that begins promptly at 10 a.m. PT / 12 noon CT / 1 p.m. ET. Please mark your calendars for this date and time! You will receive an email this week from [email protected] with the URL for this live session, held in the platform Adobe Connect. You’ll learn more about Adobe Connect in this Orientation. Please be sure to add this email address to your address book so that it does not go to your spam folder.

Orientation Learning Targets

  • I can navigate the course interface.
  • I can configure my computer as required for this Course Orientation Web Conference on Sunday, June 14.
  • I can configure my computer as required for successful participation in the course.
  • I can access and edit my course profile.
  • I can introduce myself to my classmates and access their introductions in the Orientation Forum.
  • I can complete the Technology Assignment as required before midnight on Sunday, June 14.

Orientation Module Activity Table

Each Module will include an Activity Table like this one. You should take some time at the beginning of every Module to review this table and to mark important due dates on your calendar so as not to miss anything! If you are fond of task lists, you may consider copying this table to a word processing document or printing this page so that you can check of each section as you complete it.

ActivityDescriptionDue Date

0.2 – How this Course is Organized
This section includes both a textual explanation and a video tour of the course layout, with suggestions for how to make the best of your experience!

Before section 0.3
0.3 – How to Prepare for and Join the Live Session on Sunday, June 14Don’t be a latecomer to our first event because your technology wasn’t configured properly! 

Before section 0.4
0.4 – Collaborative Learning and Peer Microteaching GroupsDiscover how you’ll interact with your colleagues in this course to maximize on the collective brainpower gathered here!

Before section 0.5
0.5 – Your Personal Growth PlanDownload and review this template that will help you develop and chart professional goals for your work.

Before section 0.6
0.6 – Technology Setup and SupportThis series of short pages will help you configure your computer to maximize your success while minimizing technology snafus!

Before section 0.7
0.7 – Editing Your ProfileThis short video tutorial demonstrates how to provide a little information and upload a clear headshot photo of yourself to begin our community building efforts in the course. 

Before section 0.8
0.8 – 3-2-1 Icebreaker ActivityWe’ll introduce ourselves using this clever format that you can then repurpose with your students.By 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, June 11

0.9 – Technology AssignmentThis section completes your work in the Orientation.  This activity will help us to help you as we integrate a variety of technologies and techniques throughout the course. By 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 14

To Continue

Use the Navigation block that appears at the left of the screen to click on the link for the next section, Section 0.2 – How this Course is Organized.

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