Week 1 Module: Learning Objectives

  1. I can identify the course syllabus and major course requirements/assignments
  2. I can introduce myself to my peers & course staff and get to know who they are (learning community building)
  3. I can gather available open learning resources to assist my teaching and learning
  4. I can connect the course design with the TELL framework
  5. I can attend/view a recording of the live course orientation webinar
  6. I can register for an account on STARTALK Create
  7. I can register for an account on Catalyst

Week 1 Module Activity Table

Activity Description Due Date
1.1 Course IntroductionWe will build our learning community and our participants will establish the foundation of STARTALK frameworks and requirements to ensure the success in this courseLive synchronous Webinar on Jan. 9, 2021 at 10 am PT / 12 pm CT / 1 pm ET 
Other tasks to be completed by 11:59 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14

1.2 Using TELL to Identify Your Course GoalWe’ll begin with an overview of the TELL framework with attention given to its relevance to our work in this course.By 11:59 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14
1.3 Use STARTALK Create for Interactive Lesson PlanningRegister for an account on CreateBy 11:59 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14
1.4 Use Catalyst for Reflective EducatorsRegister for an account on CatalystBy 11:59 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14
1.5 Module 1 Formative AssessmentsOnce you’ve completed all sections of this module, you’ll check your understanding via this short quiz and complete your first reflection via CatalystBy 11:59 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14
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