Use the TELL Feedback form linked below to offer your feedback to the others in your Zoom breakout room on March 1 or 2 who presented lessons. This form is designed to ensure that the feedback is related to the instructional strategies that we are focusing on in this program. This form is a PDF file, so in order to use it for each of your peers, you will need to follow the steps below:
1. DOWNLOAD the editable TEEL Feedback Form
2. Save one copy as a new name, Comment start labeled “Teacher’s Name_Observer’s Name_Feedback_Form” such as the name of the person to whom you are providing feedback Comment end . Give the new copy the name of the second person in your room that you will provide feedback to.
3. If there is a third participant in the room, repeat steps 1-2 again to save as a copy of the feedback form for that person as well, so that you have enough copies to give each other person in the room meaningful feedback on the learning experience they presented.
4. Once you have provided feedback on the form, upload your completed observation forms to your GoogleDrive. Share each form with a) the designated teacher who you observed b) your group leader, AND c) Penny Causarano. Remember to notify people. Again, to see the names of the PMG to whom you should send the feedback form, consult this PMG document (which also appears above for “Teaching”)
5. List all links to the shareable feedback forms in ONE word document, labeled co-teaching observations and submit to this assignment by Thursday, March 4.