6.3 – Watch Videos and Wizer and Give Feedback-ST Summer 20201

Providing feedback: you will complete the steps below by noon on Thursday, February 18 so that everyone has time to make desired revisions by the end of the day.

  1. Provide feedback to your assigned partner. Use this form to provide your feedback. Please provide at least one area of strength and no more than 2 areas of growth. Be sure to type the name of the person whose video and Wizer worksheet you viewed where indicated on the document! 

2. You can find your assignment partner’s instructional video and wizer worksheet in this FlipGrid.

3. Come back to this assignment and complete your feedback to your assigned partner by including the link to your document with your feedback.

4. Click the blue “share” button and choose to share so that “anyone with the link can view.” Share this document with your partner. 

5. You should receive a notification once you have received feedback from another participant in the course. Be sure to open and read their feedback!

6. If needed, go back into StarTalk Create to adapt your learning episode based on your feedback.

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