By completing this course, you are eligible to receive In-Service Credit Units from California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). Please refer below for additional information.
Credit Type: Undergraduate Units
Number of Units: 3
CSUSB Cost Per Unit: $105
Total Cost Paid to CSUSB: $315
Transcripts: You will be able to request your official transcripts from the University once final grades are submitted and processed by the institution.
Application Process:
There are a few forms that willl need to be completed and directly submitted to the University in order to have your application for credit processed on time. The University deadline to process your request is March 22, 2021. However, we need to know ahead of time of your intent to request the credit so that we could provide you with the necessary forms and assistance throughout the process; and to include your name and grade on the grade roster to be submitted. Please complete the intent form to notify the CLASSRoad team no later than March 10, 2021.