Now that you completed your second microteaching and feedback to your partner. You also leverage the use of authentic content to support student comprehension of the target language in elearning. Starting this module, you will collaborate with the other 2-4 teachers in developing the last microteaching experience.
Our third live, synchronous session on Friday, February 19 at 5:00 p.m. PT/ 7:00 p.m. CT/ 8:00 ET with Ms. Lingling Xie will speak to us about using authentic content to support Intercultural communicative competence.
Please attend any language specialists’ office hours to discuss and ask questions about the upcoming micro teaching planning, and interact with our members. The office hours are not language-specific.
Module 7 focuses on TELL Learning Tools: The teacher provides students with a variety of resources that support the development of intercultural communicative competence. TELL LT3a – The teacher facilitates student investigation of and interaction with authentic materials in order to understand the perspective behind the products of the target culture. Throughout Module 7, you will implement tools and strategies to support students’ intercultural communicative competence during online language learning.
Thursday, February 25 – All assignments are due.
II. Module 7 Learning Targets
Activity | Description | Due Date |
7.0 – Module Overview | Get a sense of everything we will be doing in this module. | Before section 7.1 |
7.1 – Live Webinar & attend office hours | You will a) participate in a live webinar to further discuss using authentic content to support Intercultural communicative competence, b)l meet with your co-teaching groups | Friday, February 19 at 5:00 p.m. PT/ 7:00 p.m. CT/ 8:00 ET |
7.2 – Module activator | Participate in a collaborative activity to access prior knowledge before we begin. | Before section 7.3 |
7.3 – Look forward to co-teaching | Implementing Authentic Content for Online Learning | Before section 7.4 |
7.4 – Lesson structure | Prepare for implementing a lesson plan to support intercultural communicative competence | Before section 7.5 |
7.5 – Design a co-teaching learning plan | Collaborative planning for learning episodes | Thursday, February 25 |
7.6 Reflection | You will complete and share Catalyst evidences and reflections | Thursday, February 25 |