3.4 [HW] Identify Can-do Statements and Grammatical Structures/Patterns

In Module 3, you determined the theme for your asynchronous learning episode. You also identified the instructional goals for your unit with a focus on interpretive tasks. Now, you will design the standards-based integrated performance assessment with performance tasks for each mode of communication. It is now time to consider what “tools” learners will need in order to successfully complete the performance assessment. This assignment is to help you design tools for your synchronous microteaching episode. 

Linguistic Tools: can-do statements and related structures/patterns

A can-do statement describes how the grammatical structure or pattern will be used for communication. The structure/pattern is the grammar or sentence pattern that is used to communicate.  For example, in the Chinese class, the students need to give directions from one place to another on a map of China. “I can give directions from one place to another in a city” is the can-do statement. In order to give directions, students need to be able to say “Go north, turn right, continue straight ahead.”  Those are the patterns they need to practice.

Technology Tools:

The purpose of technology is to engage students and make teaching and learning more effective. Although technology should only be used if it will enhance the unit in some way. It should not be used just because it is available, online learning requires technology. 

Ursula Lentz and Donna Clementi discuss standards-based performance assessment unit creation with several language instructors. In the following video, they discuss how language function and structures are identified, and how technology plays a role in their unit plan.

After watching the video, proceed to the next activities to start planning your second learning plan, and share your reflection and planning process with your peers.

3.4.1 Identify Can-do Statements and Goals in IPA

Step 1: Make a copy this IPA Learning Plan Template and enter your name

Step 2: In Page 1, C transfer theme and essential idea that you created for your asynchronous learning plan into a synchronous learning plan by determining: 

  • Grade range and targeted performance level
  • Curriculum connection: What learners need to know and understand in culture, communication, and language structures to meet the lesson Can-Do statements. (You can use examples of standard IPA unit plans provided in the previous topic for your reference.)

Step 3: Submit your assignment here by copying and pasting a shareable link of your learning plan.

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