There are many approaches to lesson planning. There is no single “correct” way to plan a lesson, since there are so many variables that impact how any lesson is delivered. With this essential truth in mind, we have chosen to use a lesson design that was developed by STARTALK called the Student Program Learning Plan. We explore the components of this template later in the course. For now, please download a copy for yourself and take 5-10 minutes to read through it so that you can begin to develop some familiarity with it. As you read throughout, take note of those aspects that are already familiar to you. Also, take some time to reflect on how designing an online, synchronous lesson might look using this template. Note that you will complete an online version of this template to submit your plan for the Learning Episodes you are teaching in this course.
You can access this template from the Course Resources section under the heading “Primary Course Documents.”
You can view the online version here (Links to an external site.). You will need to create a free account to access the lesson builder.
The Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Project (Links to an external site.), an initiative of AdvanceLearning, is a collection of products and processes that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of world language teachers. TELL, which emanates from an understanding that student achievement is influenced more by an effective teacher than any other factor, attempts to synthesize work from the general education arena regarding those things that effective teachers do and make that information specific to the work of language teachers. The heart of the TELL Project is the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Framework, which is supported by a variety of tools and resources.
The TELL Project (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.– The foundational centerpiece of the TELL Project is the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Framework, which establishes those characteristics and behaviors that model teachers exhibit. The Framework consists of 7 domains designed to address a teacher’s need to Prepare for Student Learning, Advance Student Learning, and Support Student Learning. In this course, we will focus on The Learning Experience (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., specifically LE 3c and f and LE 4c; Learning Tools (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., specifically LT 2c; Performance and Feedback (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., specifically PF 2b; and Professionalism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., specifically PR 4c.
The criteria above provide a framework for the learning we will be engaging in during this course. As we explore these criteria, we will hone our understanding of backwards design as a guiding principle in lesson, unit and course design. We will also examine the components of successful comprehensible input, with emphasis on strategies that enable us to remain in the target language rather than attempting to provide instruction in English as well as how we can provide meaningful feedback that helps our learners make progress towards learning targets.
Now, take some time to download and review the Domain Criteria documents linked above. You can also find them in Course Resources
The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages define the central role of world languages in the learning career of every student. The five goal areas of the Standards establish an inextricable link between communication and culture, which is applied in making connections and comparisons and in using this competence to be part of local and global communities.
The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages create a roadmap to guide learners to develop competence to communicate effectively and interact with cultural competence to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.
Download and review a copy of the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages from the ACTFL Resources section of Course Resources.
Based on the ACTFL-NCSSFL Can-Do Statements (Links to an external site.), which serve as performance indicators for language learners, the STARTALK Lesson Can-Do Statements are smaller indicators or descriptors of how learners incrementally move toward selected Program Can-Do statements. These indicators or descriptors are derived by pulling apart the language, content, and cultural context of the Program Can-Do statements and using them to focus your learning plan. These Lesson Can-Do statements are small enough that they can be the focus of single learning episodes. Learners can show that they can accomplish these Lesson Can-Dos in the check for learning at the end of each learning episode. Download and review a copy of the STARTALK Lesson Can-Do Statements from the Primary Course Documents section of Course Resources.
Far too often, professional development opportunities introduce us to new knowledge, skills, and dispositions, but fail to re-engage us at a later time in ways that check our progress towards integration of these newfound knowledge, skills, and dispositions. To avoid this common pitfall of professional development, we have build into this course activities that will support your integration of what you learn beyond this course. This year, you will use the growth and challenges you experience in the program to identify an action research research project that you will be able to do with your learners in the coming year. This will help you re-engage regularly with the learning from this program as you continue in your work.
Now that you have explored some of the key documents of the course, as well as some of the technology, we will begin using the course platform for instruction. This is designed to provide you with a contextualized hands-on experience with the platform and tools while also laying a foundation for the learning that we will engage in during this program. Please proceed to 0.8.