0.3 — Technology set-up and support Copy

Taking the time to configure your computer for this course is essential to your success in the course.  While some of these settings may already be established on the computer you’ll use for this course, others may not.  Please carefully complete the following Technology Setup before you continue in the Orientation.  

***1) Install or Update Adobe Reader***

Please download and install Adobe Reader if you have not already done so. https://get.adobe.com/reader/ (Links to an external site.) It is VERY IMPORTANT that you open ALL pdfs in this course, especially pdf forms, in Adobe Reader, NOT your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc). Your entries will NOT be saved If you open a pdf form in your browser. You may find that your computer opens the pdf in your browser by default – you will need to Download the file then Open it in Adobe Reader.

2) Install Chrome and Firefox

a) Chrome will be the browser we will use in this course to ensure that you get the intended experience. If you haven’t already done so, click on the following link to download and install Chrome: link (Links to an external site.)

 (Links to an external site.)b) Every browser on every device loads websites and tools differently. If something isn’t working right, it’s best to try another browser as a quick potential solution to a problem. If you haven’t already done so, please click on the following link to download and install Firefox on your computer: link

3) Install/Update Plugins 

a) To install the Adobe Connect Add-In, go to the following link and download and install the appropriate one for your computer: link (Links to an external site.). This enables you to share things in Adobe Connect.

b) To install or update Adobe Flash, open Firefox and go to the following link to download then install: link (Links to an external site.) If you use Chrome for this step, you may run into an error. This will help eliminate certain potential technical issues.

4) Send Your Computer Details to Support

Fill out supportdetails.com (Links to an external site.) and send to [email protected]

5) How to Do Basic Troubleshooting

If you are having an issue with a website, trying a different browser, closing and re-opening your browser, and/or signing out and signing back in may resolve your problem. As a last resort, it may help to shut down and restart your computer, especially if you have left it on for several days in a row. 

Tip! Plug in your headset in *before* going into Adobe Connect.

Adobe Connect Audio Issues

The first thing you want to do in Adobe Connect is go to Meeting > Adobe Connect Audio Wizard and follow the instructions. Then click on the microphone icon at the top of the window twice to turn it on then mute it. It’s best to always mute your mic when you’re not speaking as it minimizes audio issues for everyone.

If your audio is still not working, check the Sound/Audio settings of your computer to make sure the headset is selected as Input (microphone) and Output (speakers/what you hear). Exit and come back into Adobe Connect.

Tip! Check this link to check your computer’s readiness for Adobe Connect: The Adobe Connect Diagnostic Test

6) How to Take a Screenshot and Send Info to Tech Support

When sending queries for support, it is important to give as much information as possible. To illustrate what you are describing, please include screenshots. The following website will tell you how to take a screenshot: https://www.take-a-screenshot.org / (Links to an external site.) 

Please use the Help > Contact Technical Support ticketing system in the left navigation bar to get technical help. Please include the following information and be as specific as possible: the URL/web address of where you were, what you were doing before, during, and after the “incident” in question, what you were expecting to see, and what you have already tried .

7) Never Miss an Email from CLASSRoad

Please follow the instructions in this video to add a filter to your Gmail and never miss an email from CLASSRoad.

Also, add “OR *@classroad.org OR *@instructure.com” to your query.

To continue 

Click the “Next” button to continue to the next section, 0.4 How to Prepare for and Join the June 7th Live Orientation Web Conference.

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