Forum Replies Created
Participant– How can membership in a professional organization expand your teaching strategies and resources to benefit your students?
A professional membership is of paramount importance to any professional working in any profession. Being a member, you are accredited according to a rigorous acknowledged standards of performance; you know what are your duties, responsibilities and rights and above all, you are updated with the state-of-the-art in your profession. Moreover, the organization would gear me towards new trainings, readings and collaboration with like-minded colleagues to pool the ideas and knowledge to best serve the interest of the students.
– In what ways do you believe professional organizations can shape the path of your career?- In considering your long-term career goals, how can active involvement in a professional organization propel you towards achieving them?
A professional organization can shape my career path by keeping updated with the new trends and standards in the realm of my specialization so I would endeavour to gain more knowledge on my own or by availing training courses and bulletins to inform the members.
On the long term I would be introduced to universities, training organisations or even websites that would offer me the training I need to get to keep abreast with the new trends and technologies.– How do professional organizations provide platforms for advocacy and influence in shaping educational policies?
A professional organization can serve as a platform to trouble shoot problems. Most of the teachers face similar problems, like work overload, lack of training, low salaries, lack of resources..etc. On the other hand, most of the teachers want the same thing, more or less, like more time to train, on-job training of new technologies and teaching methods, more professional growth opportunities. The organization can be a great platform to advocate for the needs and rights. The platform, also, can serve as a think tank for the teachers to pool and share expensive resources and swap ideas and teaching tricks.February 23, 2024 at 3:04 am in reply to: Module 3.5 Task 3: Assignment 3.5.1 Discussion board: Technology Effectiveness #35531nehal.elgendi
ParticipantAssignment 3.5.1
What are some challenges and barriers in integrating technology into language education? How can these be addressed?
Technology challenges is embedded in the very nature of technology that is booming and wanning very quickly. The moment you get wield the usage of one aspect you release that is becoming obsolete. Technology, also, is not accessible in Developing Countries, e.g. Egypt (where I am living). It is expensive to get fibre optic internet services let alone train staff on new technologies. The third barrier is the expensive subscription fees or cost of education applications.
Addressing the first challenge can be done through teacher collaboration and inter-peer education; where there are meeting where teachers would meet to pool their knowledge of new technologies and teach each other how to use them. Another idea is to have an IT laboratory at the school where there would be trainers who would learn new technology and through recorded webinars or Youtube they can teach the teachers how to use them. The second and third barriers can be overcome by giving teachers from third world countries discounted rates in implementation of the precept of democratization of education.
– Can technology effectively simulate cultural immersion, which is vital for language learning? What are the limitations and advantages compared to traditional immersion methods?
Technology can simulate culture. A student can have visual tours in the market places, sites, and cities of Egypt. This is an important aspect of introducing the student to one Arabic-speaking country, how it looks and sounds. However, it cannot replace immersion experience. In immersion camps, they live with Arabic-speaking people. They see first-hand how people interact with each other? How they feast? Rites and rituals of prayers, funerals, marriage parties…etc. Moreover, they witness real life situations where they have to conjure up all what they learnt in the classroom. Culture is not one thing that can be captured by a camera, it is living puzzle that would not make any sense until the parts fall in their right place for a person to see the whole picture.
– What role does gamification in language learning apps and software play in enhancing learning outcomes? Does it lead to long-term retention of language skills?
I think that Gimlink that was showcased by Dr Amira is a very good way of checking understanding and reminding the students with vocabulary instead of giving them flashcards or long lists of vocabulary. I think that there are potentials of teaching students a lot of vocabulary using games.
For the long retention is something that should be studied empirically.– What do you envision as the future of language learning with the advancement of technology? What emerging technologies could further revolutionize this field?
ChatGPT can revolutionize learning and teaching languages, as well as, other things. If this tool key us into knowing Which part of the brain is responsible of language learning? How can we prompt the brain to acquire a new language as quickly as possible? How can a new language do not interfere with an old one? How can the brain retain and process different languages? I believe that would lead to facilitating the way teachers present the lesson and the way students learn the lessons.February 23, 2024 at 3:01 am in reply to: Module 3.6 Task 3: Assignment 3.6.1-Differentiation #35530nehal.elgendi
Participant1. How can I modify content, process, and product to accommodate different learning styles and abilities?
Catering for the learning styles starts with knowing the learning style of each student. At the beginning of the course, I give my student a questionnaire to know about their general traits including: their hobbies, what is the most enjoyable method with which they would learn? Do they know another language besides their mother tongue? If yes, how did they acquire it? Do they like music, drawing, sports, or reading? The last question is tailored to guest at their best way of learning.
During the instruction part, I attempt to offer the explanation in varied of ways, using visuals for visual learners, sounds and accompanying source-culture music for auditory-learners and moving students to kinesthetic ones. Such variation is done with a view to keep them awake and to satisfy the most learning styles. If music is not available, I can drill vocabulary or conjugations using some kind of beat.
For home works and tests, I try to vary the exercises between pictures where they are asked to add captions, multiple choices using again pictures and words to choose from and for the nerdy, students I offer exercises to figure out things and synthesize the input.
For the finals, I try to make summative written tests and one-to-one interviews to assess their personal gain of the input I given them.
2. What strategies can I use to manage classroom logistics effectively while implementing differentiated instruction?
The best strategy to manage the classroom is to keep everyone busy doing things in the way they know and love. Peer learning and coaching is a good tip too. If you have two or three excelling students, in order not to undermine their practice and level, group them in one group to challenge and compete against each other in a group exercise, then rotate them in groups of less achieving students to coach them or even compete with them. Though I personally do not like competition but it works for most students. During the exercises or group work play the role of the facilitator. The classroom station is a great technique, to identify the weaknesses of the students and to gear them towards improving their skills.
3. How can I continuously assess and adjust my teaching strategies to meet the evolving needs of my students?
From the tests, formative test, group work in the classroom, and home works you can detect the weaknesses of the students. If you find that there is a common weakness amongst all the students, then it is one’s fault. Hence, one must adjust the teaching strategy. However, if there is a problem/s with a single student or a group of students, one must analyze the reason for such draw back and attempt to adjust the instruction modes.To cater for the changing needs of the students, one has to be updated with the interests of the students through engaging them in the beginning of every class to talk ( an icebreaker activity) to talk about what they did during the day or the weekend or over a long weekend. One should be very attentive, get their pulse on the materials and activities given to them during the lessons and try to fine-tune their needs with the curriculum.
September 22, 2023 at 1:01 pm in reply to: Module 3.2 Task 2: Assignment 3.2.1 Discussion Board #35227nehal.elgendi
ParticipantModule 3.2 Task 2: Assignment 3.2.1 Discussion Board
Reflect on the reading you’ve completed and what you’ve learned from Lingling’s presentation.
I learnt what is IPA? How is it deployed in Summative and formative assessment? How it is used for unit designs? How to manage different levels of proficiency in one class? How to maintain a balance between authentic material and textbook?Choose ONE prompt from the list below and type your response in the LMS. While you have a week to complete this assignment, it’s recommended that you finish it while the topic is still fresh in your memory.
– Why is assessment critical in world language education?
1- To monitor the progress of the learning and skill building.
2- To monitor the efficacy and efficiency of teaching techniques
3- To sensitize the student of where s/he is and where s/he must head towards.– How do performance-based assessments offer insights into a student’s language proficiency?
Self assessment makes the student acknowledges his/her true level. It gives him/her a sense of direction. It gives him/her a sense of confidence that s/he was not marked down or up due to any biases. It gives him/her a sense of responsibility.– What are the advantages of incorporating self-assessment and peer assessment in the language classroom?
Participant1. What are the most significant lessons you have learned during Phase 2 training? How do you plan to apply them in your future teaching practice?
The most significant lessons I learnt is:
The backward design and thinking of assessment before thinking of the lesson.
Start with the end goal in mind.
The importance of making the performance task realistic.
Do not think that if you taught it then they learnt it.
The different assessment rubrics e.g.“single point rubric”.
The importance of keeping the identity and cultural aspects in order to achieve cultural competence.
The difference between performance and competence.
I intend to use the Classroad lesson plan template as the template for lesson plan in order to stay focused on the standards.
2. What are your plans for continued professional growth and development? How will you stay updated on best practices, educational research, and advancements in your subject area?
To keep my professional growth and development continuing, I will keep an eye on Classroad announcement on teachers’ development courses. I will follow the Education Summit. I will keep an eye webinar on language teaching. I will attempt to read two relevant articles every week.
3. How did you navigate challenges and setbacks during Phase 2 training? What strategies did you find effective in overcoming difficulties?
Undoubtedly Phase 2 was a bit overwhelming. I attempted to prioritize and enjoy learning. The tips of Dr Thana were always very detailed, to the point and encouraging. I admit that the Classroad Staff specially Professor Thana, Madam Penny and Madam Ying served as excellent compasses and mentors.
4. Finally, take a moment to acknowledge your growth and achievements during your training. What are you most proud of? How will you celebrate your accomplishments?
I am very proud to learn TELL Framework which is a very modern framework. I am particularly proud of the Canva presentations I prepared. I will celebrate my achievement by offering prayers of thank to God as He helped me and guided me to find this program.
ParticipantI have watched the three videos ( two by Laura Terrill and One By Greta Lundgaard
What was the purpose of the assessment?Assessment has types: they are:
Ongoing Checks for learning: This is done continuously to make sure that the message is home.
Formative: it is done continuously and is an integral part of lesson planning to provide feedback when there is still time for the learner to improve and modify.
Summative: Should assess the three modes of communication and should be varied and differentiated to suit the learning differences of all the students.
Assessments are not meant to feed scores or grades they are means to assess how far did the learner come to achieve the learning goals. It is meant to guide the learner to reach to the desired learning target. It should act as a milestone for learners achievements and an action plan to improve.
It is meant to be an indicator for the teacher to know what s/he taught was learnt by the learners or not?
Performance assessment should be a higher goal than proficiency assessment as performance is the real-life practice of the language while proficiency is the guided usage of the language (test-tub language performance).
Assessment should be guided by rubrics that are specified in ACTFL domains. Assessment rubrics should be explained to learners, should be consistent, accurate, meaningful and support learning. Assessment should not be subjective, retaliatory or a comment on the learner’s behaviour.
Assessment should be task-based; the task should be based on learning goals specified before choosing materials. The learner should be briefed on the learning goals. The learning goals should be clear, assessment and feedback rubrics should, also, be clear, so that the learner knows what are the steps taken to reach to the learning goals. Learning goals should be communicative, age-appropriate and should explore essential questions.
One should create performance assessment tasks that assess each mode of communication with tasks that are real-world.Ultimately in order to come up with a 5cs level of language instruction learning goals should first be specified based on essential question then assessment methods should be decided upon, feedback rubrics should be compiled, then authentic materials hunt should start.
What impact does assessment have on student learning and achievement?
Assessment with its different types serves as a tool for the student to get feedback in order to adjust ongoing learning process and to improve achievements. The learner needs to know what comes next to be able to prepare his learning plan.
Assessment, specially, formative assessment has an emotional component to it.It builds the confidence in the learner and making him/her believe that success is possible. It is more effective when used in instructional context. It makes the student understand the achievement target, where s/he is and how to close the gap between where s/he is and where s/he wants to be.nehal.elgendi
ParticipantDear Shi.Li Laoshi,
I totally agree with you that it is very difficult to teach to young learners as they have shorter attention span and you have to keep them all the time motivated and engaged. I have watched the single rubric video and here what I gleaned from it. I hope it would help.CRITERIA FOR A GOOD RUBRICS THAT IT SHOULD GIVE GOOD FEEDBACK
1- clear on what learners must do to demonstrate learning.
2- Simple enough to use and report back while learner is still thinking about the work
3- Simple enough to use and report back while there is time for improvement.
4- Describes the lookfors or criteria for success of the task.
5- Feedback is not about the learner personally.
6- Rubrics criteria focuses on performance target characteristics as strengths of the work.
7- Use criteria to inform at least one suggestion for a next step.
8- Don’t assume learners know what they did well.
9- Don’t assume that learners only need accuracy correction to improve.
( https//
Is holistic, not accurate, does give the teacher the chance to be specific on feed back
2- Analytic rubrics : analyse every task so it would put expectations of failure and excellence. Hence it is limiting to creativity.
3-Single point rubrics
It is a lot like analytic rubric.
It breaks down the component of an assignment into different criteria.
3- It only describes criteria for success.
4- It does not attempt to list all the ways of a student could fall short.
5- It doest not specify how a student could exceed expectations.
Advantages of Single point rubrics
It does not call for a lot of language but it provided details of what is expected.
Area if concerns and excellence are open to give free reign of students excellences.
You have to specify performance target to calibrate criteria descriptor (Novice High)
You give feedback with one sentence.
You do not have to use the three rows every time.
You can use vocab. first then another time task completion and yet a third time for accuracy.
If you start from task completion this might help the student to track his development leading to self assessment.
More important to students than the rubric used by using target performance only.nehal.elgendi
ParticipantXinjia Xia Lashi,
How can the assessment process be improved to enhance student learning and achievement?
I totally agree that the meaningful performance assessment are important to the learning and achievement as formative assessment give the student the confidence that they are improving, that success is possible and increas their confidence. It, also, make a student where s/he is and where s/he is are heading. Assessment, also should be consistent, objective, accurate, meaningful and support learning. It should be based on a rubric that the student is briefed on.
Assessment is, also, as important to the student as it is to the teacher. It give the teacher the chance to improve and reflect on his/her teaching plans…etc. Formative assessment and checks for learning are very relevant to improving the learning of the students; as in it the teacher is able to redress the course of the student while there is time to do that. Contrary to the summative when it would be late to change.nehal.elgendi
ParticipantRecommended Platform
The Arabic Language Institute at the American University in Cairo admits a wide range of students. The students are non-Arabic speakers, Egyptian Arabic language speakers (undergraduates taking prerequisite courses of Arabic) and a minority of heritage learners. Though the AAPPL has a very clear criteria for the evaluation of the three modes of communication, yet it does not fit the age brackets of the students. Hence the best platform would be Language Testing International LTI. LTI is employing the assessment of the four skills with ILR clear scale. Such scale would enhance objectivity in scoring. Moreover, no extra charges are going to be incurred by the University.The second best choice is adopting LTI Language Proficiency Assessment including (OPI, OPIc, WPT, LPT and RPT. Such choice would cater for the need of independent students, mostly adults foreign employees who are seconded to the Middle East to undertake certain tasks, like news reporting, political analysis, managing tasks,….etc.
Such bracket of students might need to focus on a set of skills. They do not need to be equally proficient in all of the three modes of communications or the range of the four skills. Hence gearing teachers and custom-based curriculum learners would be productive and efficient.
For the effective utilisation of the two options offered by the LTI, the teachers need to be aware of the ILR scale, ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, and ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners. The latter should be offered, among the admission papers for those custom-based curriculum seekers in order to be aware of the path that they should chart collaboratively with the language teacher in order to achieve their target.
Language Learners, in general, should be oriented on language learning process; in order to get a clear picture of where s/he stands and where s/he wants to go. Such orientation should be availed by academic advisers during office hours.
ParticipantMadam Reem,
I thank you for drawing my attention towards the importance of administering AAPPL assessment tool pre and post language instructions to get the realistic perspective of where the learner and the educator is standing.nehal.elgendi
ParticipantThank you, Madam lin,lin for your thorough analysis and skillful summary of the advantages of the AAPPL standards.You highlighted the importance of the cultural proficiency and the ability of the teacher to use the AAPPL to design backward the curriculum to fit the potential language learning target and set the current level of the student.
Also, you have hit the nerve when you recommended training of the teachers who would administer AAPPL. Madam jun. chen also pointed out to the importance of IT training for the administrators of the AAPPL. I would like to recommend that orientation or raising the awareness of the student of strucutre of the AAPPL would be productive. They would know the strucutre of the path of learning and would be more eager to assist. Hopefully!